The Association rents the site off Lenthall Road from Oxford City Council. This site which has been an allotment site since 1947, covers 6.7 acres and slopes westward towards Iffley Village with views over the church to Boars Hill and beyond. There are 88 “10-pole” plots each measuring about 7 yards by 35 yards many of which are divided into half or quarter plots. There are two small plots areas designed for wheelchair users. The site also has a shop stocking “allotment basics”, a children’s play area and two wildlife areas.
The Association, which is affiliated to the Oxford District Federation of Allotment Associations, is managed by an elected Committee governed by a Constitutions and a set of Rules which are available elsewhere on this website.
This website should provide the answer to most questions, but if it doesn’t any allottee or committee member should be able to do so. But – beware – if you ask three allottees the same question about vegetables you’ll get three different answers!